Saturday, November 11, 2017

For Monday: Austen, Mansfield Park, Chs. 16 to (Book II) Ch.6

Remember that there are is no response due on Monday; instead, we'll do an in-class response based on a specific passage. Consider some of the ideas we've been discussing throughout the week, such as:

* the education of women, particularly daughters

* the relationship of mothers and daughters (and to a lesser extent, fathers and children)

* ideas of propriety and morals: what does good and 'right' conduct mean? 

* Being natural vs. artificial--acting vs. being (particularly when theater is involved!)

* feminism vs. domesticity: what role does Austen champion for the modern woman? 

* Fanny's character: Rasselas or Imlac? (or neither?)

* Mary and Henry Crawford: dashing anti-heroes or simply bad guys?

* The novel of manners: do characters grow and develop in Austen's novels or serve as allegories (as in Johnson)? Can Henry Crawford change? Become more complex? Can Edmund? Can Fanny? 

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(Reschedule) For Friday: Chaucer, "The Nun's Priests' Tale"

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