Saturday, November 5, 2022

For Monday: Read Austen, Northanger Abbey, Chapters 1-8 (see note below)

NOTE: Since most people seem to be doing questions after class, rather than before, I've decided to change the question format. For our final book, we're going to have questions after class, so you can focus on reading first and foremost, and then answer the questions after our class discussion. The questions will still ask specific questions about the reading, but will try to take advantage of ideas actually discussed in class. I will post them immediately after class and you will have until the next day's class to answer them.

For example, I will post the questions for today's reading after class on Monday. You have until Wednesday to turn them in, either in class on Wednesday, or anytime between Monday and Wednesday via e-mail. This is how most people are doing the questions anyway, so really, nothing should change. However, don't turn in the questions later than Wednesday's class for credit, so you can start thinking about the next set of questions, etc. 

See you in class! 

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