Friday, November 18, 2022

Schedule Change for Monday!

 Okay, since I had to cancel class on Wednesday I inadvertently screwed up my internal schedule. I wanted to have one decompression class before the paper was due to discuss Adaptations, and I forgot that the paper was due on Monday! Somehow, I thought it was due the Monday we got back from break. it is!

So we DO have class on Monday for two reasons:

1. We can discuss some ideas about adaptation and I can show you part of a recent adaptation of Northanger Abbey for ideas, and 

2. I made another mistake in our class: you were supposed to have 2 papers PLUS the Adaptation assignment, but I made the Adaptation assignment Paper #2 instead (it was easier that way). So I cut the original Paper #2 entirely, leaving 15 points unnaccounted for in your final grade. So we're going to do a simple in-class assignment to make up those points (it's basically a freebie, but you don't want to miss it!). 

So for the mistake; it's been a stressful semester with too many balls in the air. But as always, when I mess up I try to give you more time and flexibility to make up for my mistake. Hope this helps! 

Be sure to work on the Paper #2 assignment over break, because it will be due the Monday we return, and I want to discuss it that week! E-mail me with any questions you might have. 

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(Reschedule) For Friday: Chaucer, "The Nun's Priests' Tale"

NOTE: Since ECU is closed on Wednesday, I'll move everything on the syllabus back. That means we WILL have class on Friday and your Pape...